Our terms and conditions

We don’t like to make things unnecessarily complicated, as you will see from our terms and conditions of service. If you have any questions concerning any of the information, please contact us.

Services Provided

We will provide bookkeeping services to the client, these services will be detailed in writing.

Fees and Terms of Payment

Fees for these services are calculated on the time we spend multiplied by the hourly rate. The hourly rate is applied to all work done on the company’s behalf, including making telephone calls, writing letters, and preparing documents. The hourly rates for these services will be agreed in advance with the client and confirmed in writing by way of a quote.
If additional work is completed that is not part of the original quote, then Owl Bookkeeping Services will notify you of the approximate cost and await written confirmation before additional work is commenced.
The customer will pay the charges to the bookkeeper within 7 days from the date of the invoice. Late payment will be subject to interest being added to your debt under the Debt Collection Act of 1996. Interest will be charged at 8% above the current Bank of England base rate. Non-payment of invoices will result in the suspension of all services. Monies are collected by Go Cardless Direct Debit scheme.
If information is provided late and Owl Bookkeeping Services are unable to complete the task in hand, and as a result submission dates are missed and consequential losses and fines which a client may incur, Owl Bookkeeping Services will not be liable for these fines.

Ownership of Records

In the event of non-payment of our fees for services rendered, we reserve the right of lien over the books and records in our possession and may withhold the documents until such time as payment of our invoice is received in full. In exercising this right, we will comply fully with any legal or professional obligations.

Anti-money Laundering Legislation

All bookkeepers must comply with the duties imposed by the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Money Laundering Regulations Act 2007 (the Anti-Money Laundering Legislation), which are intended to inhibit the activities of terrorists and other criminals by denying them access to technical expertise. If we fail to perform these duties, we risk imprisonment.

Before we accept your instructions, we may need to obtain ‘satisfactory evidence’ to confirm your identity. In certain circumstances, we may need to obtain evidence confirming the identities of third parties, the source of any funds or other property, the purpose of any instructions or any other matter. We may also need to obtain such evidence after we have begun to act on your instructions.

We assume that our clients are honest and law abiding. However, if at any time, there appear to be grounds to suspect that your instructions relate to ‘criminal property’, we are obliged to make a report to the Serious Organised Crime Agencies (SOCA), but we are prohibited from telling you that we have done so.

Limitation of Liability

We will not accept liability if you act on advice given by us on an earlier occasion without first confirming with us that the advice is still good and not affected by any subsequent changes in the law or your circumstances.

We will not accept liability for losses arising from changes in the law or the interpretation thereof that are first published after the date on which the advice is given.

We will not accept liability for any loss suffered by you or any third party as a result of our compliance with the Anti-Money Laundering Legislation or any such legislation.

In accordance with the requirements of our professional body HMRC, we maintain appropriate professional indemnity insurance and confirm that our liability in the event of a claim shall be limited to the value of our indemnity limit. Please ask us if you would like further information about our indemnity insurance.


A client may terminate the agreement by providing a written notice at any time but will be liable for all work carried out up to the time, whether already invoiced or not.

Owl Bookkeeping Services may terminate the agreement and stop acting for the company if:

  • The client does not comply with the terms of this agreement;
  • There is a breakdown in mutual trust between the parties;
  • By continuing to act for the client, it may breach the professional conduct rules which are binding upon professional in the Bookkeeping industry.

If you decide to use our services you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

These terms may be updated from time to time so it is important you review them regularly.

For an accountant with over 30 years' experience and the attitude to help your business grow, call:

01473 487 111


Owl Bookkeeping Services
Olga Robinson
Ransome Crescent

How to find us

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